• UNstoppable care for kids


Our pediatric urology team provides relief and life-changing treatments for kids living with urinary issues in the bladder and kidneys, along with conditions related to reproductive organs.

Why choose CHoR for your pediatric urologist 

  • Our fellowship-trained physicians and specialists see more than 7,500 young children and adolescents each year and lead a highly successful program marked by overwhelmingly positive outcomes.
  • We serve as a referral center for patients with complex needs throughout the Commonwealth and greater Richmond area. 

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Our Richmond urology specialists are leading global advances in pediatric urology 

Led by C.D. Anthony Herndon, MD, we are advancing local and international efforts to expand and improve access to specialty urologic care throughout Virginia and beyond. Our goal is to become a top 20 urology program in the United States and a referral center of excellence in the Mid-Atlantic. 

We use behavioral therapy and biofeedback – using safe, electrical sensors to help control bodily functions – to treat patients with voiding dysfunction. The condition, marked by the inability control the bladder, impacts up to 10 percent of children, and includes patients with urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections and bedwetting.

CHoR is also the site of “the Society for Fetal Urology National Registry for children with a prenatal urinary tract dilation,” a common condition that blocks flow of urine from the kidneys. While most kids do well in treatment, a significant number are at increased risk of urologic disease, and the registry is assisting in research to develop effective treatment protocols that will better define the role of antibiotics and need for invasive postnatal imaging.

Children's urology comprehensive care

Children's urology comprehensive care

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Greyson's story

Greyson's story

"As a parent, it is comforting knowing that the doctors who are diagnosing and treating my son are some of the best available. One word comes to mind and that is trust."

Read Greyson's story

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