• UNstoppable care for kids

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

When should I call the clinic/hospital?

  • You should be concerned if your child begins to have a persistent temperature above 101.5F or 38.6C degrees, chills, increasing abdominal pain, feeling bloated or persistently vomiting. Please give us a call at 804-828-3500 or visit your pediatrician.

What are some signs that my child is doing well with the G-tube?

  • Your child is doing well when the tube feeds flows into the stomach without resistance and your child does not have any vomiting or spit ups. It is also a good sign when your child is having wet and soiled diapers regularly.

Does the G-tube need to be replaced periodically?

  • Yes. Your G-tube will be replaced for the first time around 6 weeks after surgery in clinic. After that, it will be replaced every 3 to 6 months and as necessary. You will be instructed on how to do this in clinic.

Does the G tube need to be flushed at all?

  • Yes. The G-tube will need to be flushed after every feed. The amount of flush may vary depending on your child but the usual amount is 10 mL of water.

Can I give any medications through the G-tube? Am I allowed to crush pills and push it through the tube?

How do I prevent the G-tube from falling out?

How do I contact the clinic?

  • You may call us at 804-828-3500 during and after business hours.