• UNstoppable care for kids

Hospital education

Hospital education

Did you know that your child’s medical team might include teachers – as well as doctors and nurses?

We have a group of certified hospital teachers who provide year-round educational services for patients ages two to 21. Because school is an important part of your child's life, we can help them stay in touch with what's happening back home. Our classrooms are equipped with computers, DVD players, books, games, puzzles and toys selected with children in mind. Based on information from the patient, their parents, doctors and school, the team designs and implements an educational program just for them – at no cost!

About the program

We’re committed to more than just your child’s medical needs. We want to know how our patients are growing and developing. Hospital teachers help answer these questions. 

With parents' permission, our hospital teachers may:

  • Talk with patients and school personnel back home
  • Give informal and formal educational screenings or assessments
  • Talk with our hospital team about a patient's progress and needs

The Hospital Education Program is sponsored and funded by the Virginia Department of Education in cooperation with the Richmond Public Schools.

During hospitalization

Our teachers can:

  • Provide early childhood stimulation activities and experiences
  • Provide instruction designed to meet each patient’s educational needs
  • Gather books, assignments and tests from school
  • Develop or modify a child’s Individualized Educational Program (IEP)

When it’s time to go home

Our hospital teachers make the transition as smooth as possible. If a patient has completed three or more school sessions, our hospital teachers will:

  • Give attendance credit if the patient is enrolled in a Virginia public school
  • Send a letter to the child’s home school about there educational program here

In addition, even if your child’s stay is short, our hospital teachers may:

  • Meet with a patient’s medical team and parents to coordinate the exchange of medical information with your child’s school
  • Visit the school to help with a patient’s return
  • Plan for any special needs at a patient's school, such as:
    • Transportation
    • Diet
    • Classroom modifications/changes
    • Physical education adaptations 
    • Homebound instruction
  • Make a referral to the appropriate CHoR or outpatient educational consultant if follow-up services are needed
  • Make a referral to your home school division for consideration of special education services when indicated

Outpatient services

We also provide education support for patients in these clinics: